A review by erinremen
The Girl & Her Ren by Pepper Winters


This book was everything. It was a journey that destroyed me and I hope one day I will be put back together again. Was it worth it some might ask? Undoubtedly, yes. Ren and Della are a journey I do not regret. Not a single ounce. I have honestly never cried this much and my face is a blotchy mess and I honestly do no know how to move on. How to let go of their story, their journey and their ending. This story was the most exciting, heart-pounding, soul sucking story I have ever read and I can honestly say I will never forget it, never move on and will always reminisce the journey and possibly shed a few tears along the way. Please read their final journey, the end of the tale that had captured all our hearts and rejoice in Ren and Della and their magical love, a love that transcends everything.

I received an Arc of this book and have freely given my review ❤