A review by altidlaesende
Love Me Please!: The Story of Janis Joplin by Nicolas Finet


ARC received by Netgalley

Even though I was born in 1981, I grew up with Janis Joplin's music - my mother played it for me, and I remember being deeply fascinated by a VHS recording of Woodstock 69' which I watched over and over again in my teen years. So, when I came across this title, I was excited to learn more about Janis Joplin and her story.

The graphic novel is well-structured, and the style captures the tone and vibrations of the story. However, it becomes a bit too obvious in stating facts, and often it doesn't sound natural when dates and names are mentioned.

I really enjoyed learning more about the type of person that Janis Joplin was, her fast-paced life, and her ability to live life to the fullest extreme. She did end up paying the ultimate price though.