A review by trin
Airborn by Kenneth Oppel


Mystery box book #36!

Finished this one back in November but forgot to review. I also initially gave it four stars, but it has not sat particularly well with me so it's dropping down one. Essentially: this is an old-school adventure in the style of Treasure Island, but with zeppelins and dragons and one (1) female character. It's fine, and maybe especially fine if you are a twelve-year-old boy, but I don't think Oppel really adds much to the genre with his updates, and in fact, Stevenson makes more interesting character choices, in my mind, than Oppel does; in fact, Oppel seems to default to
Spoilerkilling characters off rather than continuing to develop them or leaving things open to ambiguity
. Glad to have finally read this -- it had been on my TBR for forever -- but I won't be continuing with the series.