A review by little_miss_darkness
Burning Luck by Layla Dorine


Free Kindle e-book in exchange for an honest review as part of the Indie June author month.

How do you deal with grief?

Lucky's Old Man has been struggling with chemo and radiation, finally succumbing some months later. Not being able to handle his grief, his Pops is gone not much after. Lucky turns his back on his family in the motorcycle club, not wanting to be a burden. The only reprieve he has from his anguish is when he's spending time with two strangers in the club's dungeon. Not being able to say who they are because he is blindfolded and not able to hear during their rendezvous, Lucky doesn't know why Thorn and Cain want to help him. It is just his Burning Luck that they also want him.

I cannot sing enough praises for this book. I thought this was going to be just some BDSM smut as first few chapters were almost exclusively sex scenes. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have minded that much. I do prefer when the book has a plot, though. And boy, does this one have it. BDSM scenes are very mild and the whole book is more about the importance of communication. These resonate with me, as I struggle with it myself. I personally would rate spiciness of this book 3.5 out 5.

5 out of 5 stars is more than deserved. This has got to be my favourite book for Indie June Author month.