A review by arushofemotions
War of Monsters by Bella Di Corte


This freaking book! First, I can't believe it was 700 pages because I devoured it in a week (that's fast for me haha). The tempo that this author set for this book was just right. After the high angst from the previous book, I thought maybe this author would take it easy on us, but nope, with a title like War of Monsters I should have known it would put another strangle-hold on my heart.

The whole gang is back, living and thriving in Italy, and Brando and Scarlett are unwillingly becoming more and more embedded into the mafia famiglia. There's an influx of new characters and I'm thankful that this author has a character list at the beginning of every book.

Brando and Scarlett truly love the life they're living in Italy, and the found-family vibe that they have going on at their villa is it's own kind of beautiful because you know those Fausti brothers have found what been missing since Brando entered the picture and vice versa.

In this book, allegiances get tested, allies becomes foes, and our two loves must persevere through the biggest test of their relationship and special connection.

I love love loved it, and I'm so excited with where this author is taking the story! New York baby!