A review by spacecars
Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao


This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. To start off, I usually get bored easily if the story is too long-winded or descriptive, but Blood Heir has the right amount of description AND pace. Very well-paced, with a lot of thought put into the characters as well as the plot. In fact, I actually feel for the characters because of the great character development.

When May died, I teared so much! It’s as if I can feel the pain that Ana is going through, and having one of the supporting characters die is a bold move on Amelie’s writing. But it does bring the plot development to greater heights, and I truly appreciate the different tiny plot twists in the book. Don’t expect it to have a happy ending though, it’s decent but definitely far from a happy ending.

I don’t remember the last time I read such a great fantasy book. I was surprised to find that I wanted to keep reading after the first few pages, as I haven’t been reading fantasy as much anymore, especially teenage/young adult fantasy. The plot is so good that I would even compare it to Harry Potter. The difference is probably the ending, where each HP book has a somewhat definitive happy ending, but Blood Heir has an ending that kind of says ‘to be continued’. Well, it’s a trilogy so it does make sense.

I hope this gets made into a movie. I think it has a great premise to be made into one. And I think, if made well, this could be a great film!

Can’t wait for the second book already!

(EDIT) Now with the confirmation of its publication date, I reread the new ARC and guess what—STILL AS GOOD. Only very minor changes have been made, so I’m glad!!