A review by trisha_thomas
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters


"We had to bleed.
My arms are awash in goose bumps.
When we did the ritual, she said we had to bleed."

An interesting look at childhood friendships. About the power you can wield over each other just through words and emotions but also the lasting impact of those stories into your adult life. Remember 'light as a feather, stiff as a board'? Or the nights you told scary stories with your friends? Maybe that was a 90's kid thing but it was definitely a thing. Those stories and those emotions were strong and encompassing.

Heather is a thriving adult, a child psychologist that looks to help kids. She feels driven because a long time ago, her best friend went missing. She wished she'd helped more, said more things - but she'd promised. She knows a lot more about Becca's disappearance than she's ever told anyone. But now someone seems to know and Heather needs to figure out who it is and just what game they are playing.

I liked the cat and mouse of the clues. You spend a lot of the book wondering who is holding all the answers. Clearly someone knows something and there are an awful lot of people in Becca's life for it to be anyone. It was a short, quick, interesting read.