A review by theresidentbookworm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14 by Jordie Bellaire


The Best Of: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14

1. The page of panels with Buffy just making different faces in the mirror. It reminds me of the episode where Buffy and Faith switch bodies, and Faith is making faces in the mirror as Buffy.

2. "I have to remember things will never be the same. It seems like ever since I got to high school, things move at breaking speed. I don't know if it's meant to be quite like this, though. Sure, there are great days. There are some days I wish I could stay in bed all day. But that wouldn't be rigjt, even after everything. We've got to move forward, despite how hard it can be."

3. Robin and Buffy just sitting at a diner, venting to each other and having a food fight with fries. I know they say they're just friends, but I sense some flirting happening right now.

4. Buffy and Kendra having this bickering sibling relationship right from the onset. I hope eventually they'll become better friends, but I've always been into this dynamic from them.

5. Joyce trying to be a good mom but hovering too much and Buffy not having any patience for this because she's a sixteen year old girl who's not coping well. I stan realistic mother-daughter dynamics.

6. Jenny Calendar being back and still very concerned for the lives of Giles's slayers Buffy and Kendra. I love that they've given her more depth by making this issue a conflict between her and Giles. As much as I love their relationship, it feels like a realistic conflict for them to have.

7. "The girls receive so little reward for all they do. They sacrifice so much, they have no life outside of their duty... There's no discussion here. I can't fight your faith in her--- it's like a religion for you. But she deserved more and I know you know that." Jenny Calendar sticking up for our girl! God, I love her!

8. Buffy having serious abandonment issues because Xander's dead (?), Willow's gone to study abroad, and she's left with no support system and believes that it's only a matter of time before Robin leaves her too. My favorite, saddest slayer.

9. Robin being literally the best boy and comforting Buffy the only way he can. "I'm not the type of guy would ever bail or abandon you. I won't. You're the best thing in my life right now, the thing I look forward to the most." And cue the kiss!

Willow being up to something that I'm not sure what it is but that I'm hopeful for because maybe she's trying to bring Xander back.