A review by paigesinked
The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack


A perfectly okay read.

I wasn't overly impressed with this book, but I also didn't hate it. Grateful is just about the most ridiculous name you can give a main character, and I'm usually fine with quirky names but this one is a bit of a mouthful. She is a nurse, which is repeated quite often and supposed to be something of an important character trait... But she seems so incredibly dumb with all of her decisions. Some interesting pseudo-science rumblings in the beginning made me side eye but I continued on.

I was expecting a much more proactive protagonist, as the cover gave me the impression that we would be leaning more towards the Buffy side of the spectrum, but that's fine. I wish she had been more decisive and in control of herself, but I can totally understand being swallowed by all of the shit she had just dumped on her head.

I have a huge issue with how no one in her life ever gives it to her straight, though. Her father kept huge things from her, her supposed "husband"/"soulmate" man also deliberately keeps things from her while trying to seduce her, and then you have the ghost who gets weirdly posessive and attached (ghost sex!).

A lot of plot points came and went with little build up and little elaboration, but generally it wasn't hard to follow the clues the author was putting down. It was a little predicable because of that, but predicable isn't always bad.

Overall, the book wasn't horrible. The writing was consistent and I didn't feel it slogged in any places. I just don't know that any of the characters appeal to me enough to continue reading the rest of the series.