A review by ozettegirl
Fantasy of Flight by Kelly St. Clare


If this wasn’t free on KU and I hadn’t seen lots of praise in different groups I’m in, I’m not sure I would move on to the next book.

Olina has run away from the group of friends and Jovan from book one and joined a gladiator ring, essentially. She makes friends, shows off and gains skills, and then wins pretty much everyone over. ... and then that happens again at the castle and a new surprise locale.

It’s just ... not exciting anymore. Yeah I liked the world building in book one but I’m getting a little tired of Olina- and I’m ... confused/bemused by her? She’s tougher now as Frost or at least not as self conscious - but ... she’s such a weird combination of 12 year old and ... adult.

It was weird when she and Jovan got together. I knew he was the hero but she really does read so young and almost had no mental attraction to him and then they get together, it was almost wrong. I wouldn’t have been shocked if it went a Deeds Of Paksenarrion way. Despite a guy always being into her in whatever group she joins. Ugh.

I’m not buying them- or her? Now she’s off to save the two worlds herself? It has potential but this one girl doing all this gets ridiculous, doesn’t it?