A review by ladilira
Dead over Heels by Theresa Braun


I seem to be reading crime/horror more and more these days. In truth, I never thought that I would enjoy the crime/horror genre. But whenever I get asked to read a new genre, I like to take a chance. I wonder, will I be surprised and enjoy something outside my comfort zone? Due to taking those chances, I now can say that I do like the crime/horror genre, which was a shock to me. In the end, it’s all about the quality of the story.

I should state that Dead Over Heels is not really horror, it’s more paranormal with a pinch of violence. I had no idea where this story would lead me. It started off innocent and sweet. However, as the story unraveled I was hooked with each page turn. This was a nicely crafted novelette. And yet, it was full bodied in its shortness. Braun is a good writer, I was drawn in for the ride and never saw the twists coming. It was a fulfilling read. I was left feeling I had read an entire novel (in a good way). I didn’t feel like I was missing anything. I highly recommend readers take a chance on this tale. If you don’t mind a little domestic drama, this will pleasantly surprise you.
