A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
Into the Tomorrows by Whitney Barbetti


Review to also be posted on Book Loving Fairy Blog
Star Rating: 5 Stars

“Love isn’t worth the heartache it leaves behind. Don’t fall in love. You’ll lose all your happiness.”

This was a gripping read for me, very raw and real.

The emotions that come out when Ellie dies is real and you can feel the pain through Trista’s words.

Trista Kohl, the girl that is swamped with sorrow and doesn’t know how to find her way out of it and simply at this point in her life she doesn’t want to, for anyone. Time passes and Trista still feels trapped in the a very hurtful past and doesn’t seem to come to grips with what’s in her future. Can moving to Colorado with her boyfriend of years help her?

I was angry and sad all throughout this book for many reasons, one big, huge one that stood out to me was Colin. Ugh, I wanted to ring his neck, REPEATEDLY! Trying to come off as the ever doting boyfriend who just wanted his happy girlfriend back in the beginning but soon I started noticing his changes before even Trista did, annoying by the way, but I still was hopeful until Jude entered this and things changed.

“Always do what you are afraid to do.”

Trista’s life is so real and heartbreaking that one can’t help but wonder why there are human beings that actually treat their children like that. The hurt and basic abandonment from her mother is what caused Trista’s problems from the beginning.

Jude and Colin, totally different people who are in her life and she knows it wrong to want one and not really care if she has the other but nothing stops her from realizing what is right in front of her.
I never expected what happened at the end of this book, I am not one that is fond of Cliff hangers and this is no exception, I worry what happened to her. Is she okay? what about Jude? Did she really leave him? All the while I can only think I hope not because that would give me a reason to ugly cry, not pretty by the way!

This is my first read from this author and I will be looking into getting more of her books because I really love Trista and I can’t wait to meet more of her characters.

“I’m not ready for you.”

Heart breaking moments are what is in store for you when you meet Trista the broken girl who has the sad eyes and hungry for something that only one person can give her and he is willing, without a doubt and is waiting.

“Please wait for me, Because I will come back for you.”

I need Back to Yesterday like 5 minutes ago when I finished this book. I need Jude and I need my broken girl.
It’s not often I hold a book so close to me but when I do I grip it tight and don’t let go.