A review by librovert
Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook


I loved the alternate history world that Meljean Brook created in [b:The Iron Duke|7864587|The Iron Duke (Iron Seas, #1)|Meljean Brook|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1400110737s/7864587.jpg|11022865], so I was excited to finally get back into this series.

In The Iron Duke, Yasmeen threw Archimedes Fox off of her airship after he tried to take it from her, so I was really curious about how their relationship was going to get from that to the kind of relationship that always happens with the two characters named on the back of a romance novel. I was not disappointed.

Neither Yasmeen nor Archimedes are typical romance characters, but they totally fit here and I love how their characters play off each other.