A review by jessielzimmer
Positively Yours by Kang Ki, Lee Jung

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I could not push through this. I wanted to, I really did. But I just can't take it any more. I think the concept has a lot of potential, but the characters were almost entirely awful. The male lead is pushing the idea of marriage without even sitting down and having a conversation with her. She's making assumptions left, right, and center in her head without talking to him.

This is my third manwha in the last week or two, and I am just ... done. 2 out of 3 that I've read (A Business Proposal, Under the Oak Tree) feel like bad romcoms or sitcoms. All bumbling "misunderstandings" because the characters refuse to talk to each other like adults, and male leads getting away with being pushy, arrogant bastards because "they're so hawt".

Positively Yours one has the added layer of the female lead saying "it's my baby" and straight up ignoring the father's rights. In case you didn't know this, readers, she wouldn't have said baby without him. So no, it's not just hers. If a woman feels that way, don't have sex with someone you don't want to potentially have a child with.

I'm out.

[Made it through chapter 11.]