A review by melcanread
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


A friend of mine bought this book for me for my birthday last year - after my many months of pleading with her to sit down and watch the film. My sister and I loved the film. We went to the cinema to watch it and sobbed right through the last quarter. It was a full ugly cry too.

I thought that when I read this book, after watching the film multiple times, when it came to the ending I wouldn’t cry as much as I did. I thought it’d be fine, because I know what’s happening and I have time to mentally prepare myself for it. That wasn’t the case at all.

At no point did I expect to feel like Lou. At no point did I think I’d picture myself sat where Lou sat in Paris and read the final note like it was aimed at me. I didn’t expect to be sobbing my heart out at 12:22am and feeling all the things the Traynor’s could have felt - and Lou for that matter. But I did.

This has become my favourite book of all time. I’ll come back to this again, I just know I will.