A review by kurtwombat
More Information Than You Require by John Hodgman


My review of Hodgman's previous book of bald face lies masquerading as reference material can ALMOST equally apply to this entry. While still a delightful distraction from real facts, I didn't care for this one quite as much. While the first book returned to the Hobo Rebellion as a central touchstone (and tickled me every time) this entry uses tales of Mole Men dwelling beneath the earths crust as a similar touch stone with much less consistent success. The entry also seemed to smother the reader a little bit at times as if too accurately spoofing old academic journals. But that being said, if you liked the first you'll still like this and if you should happen across this one first go ahead and read it. No matter what order you read them in, it's still funny and still not true. Amuses me, and I imagine it might amuse John Hodgman too, that second among the top genre/shelves listed by Goodreads readers for this book is "Non-Fiction". This book is many things...but that it ain't.