A review by litwrite
Dead City by Joe McKinney


I picked this one up because the third book in the series managed to win a 2011 Bram Stoker award. I realize that this was McKinney's first ever novel so I cut him some slack but this novel has that distinct and unsubtle scent of Eau de Video Game which was slightly annoying and exhausting to read at times so I found myself skimming a lot of pages. You spend a lot of the first half of the book following the cop protagonist and narrator running around finding ammo for his gun or 'leveling up' by finding better guns or more ammo and somehow he also manages to always find vehicles with keys in them so that he can drive away after he's crashed the last one.

The dialog also felt a little tired, especially the banter with his 'former partner', honestly I could have been playing a Resident Evil game instead of reading this book.

A lot of retreading well worn ground here, nothing new to the genre but then this did come out in 2005, before the real post-apocalyptic zombie novel explosion began so I'm sure for the time it came out it might have been ground breaking.

I'll continue on with the next two because honestly now I'm curious as to whether or not the series improves drastically, from reading this one I'm a bit surprised that the third won a Stoker. I'll chalk it up to first-time-author blues and see how it goes as the series progresses.