A review by a_reader_obsessed
Christmas Homecoming by L.A. Witt


4 Historical Hearts - Team Review with Chelsea

Another win for this holiday series!

Prepare yourself for some heartache though…

Roger and Jack and have been boyhood friends for forever and at the cusp of adulthood, a shared kiss that could’ve possibly been the start of something never comes to full fruition as the world is soon thrown into war. Six years later and these two young men have seen and done much, suffered and grieved, and missed each other every day, surviving only through the hope of seeing one another again. Was that shared kiss all it was? A fleeting thing between friends or the start of something more?

This blends the best of friends who become lovers, set in a time where such was not accepted or condoned. Melancholy and full of longing, Roger and Jack are expected to carry on and move on, but neither can let that one memory go despite time, distance, and everyone else in their lives doing their damndest to keep them apart.

However, life’s too short and these two are about to lose the best thing, the only thing they want. They deserve happiness and they grab it for themselves regardless of the possible consequences.

A bittersweet but triumphant win for Roger and Jack, their love definitely bringing all the romantic contentment and feel good warmth to the heart!

Thank you to the author/publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review

Check out the blog for Chelsea’s thoughts!