A review by andotherworlds
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo



This book was also read for 2019 Reading Rush. It was placed under the prompt of book you wanted to read last year (that was a paraphrase). When I first tried getting into this series I really was not in the right mindset but once I really got into it this time around, I read it very quickly. Minus about 28 pages read yesterday, I managed to read this book in quite a short period of time in one day. It all went by very fast but still it did not lack in content. However, the quality of the content itself was put up to question. The main character Alina was (and to put this in the nicest way possible) quite a bit annoying. She automatically fell into the "chosen one" trope the moment it was mentioned that she was "different", and that was just the first page. This book was filled to the brim with some very petty scenes that lacked substance. Most scenes felt superficial leaving me left with not much attachment with any of the characters. The only relationships I can think of in this book that had the bare minimum of meaning consisted of Alina and Genya's platonic relationship and (I will not even attempt with spelling out her name without the book on hand) the Darkling's mother and Alina. That. Was. It. Everything else was just girls being pitted against other girls to get the attention on a man who doesn't care. Although this review may seem a tad "negative" I would like to say that this book was fairly enjoyable to read when all other elements are pushed aside. To give Leigh Bardugo credit, this was her debut and you can definitely tell that she has truly grown as a writer since writing this book. And for that shred of hope and for the fact that a part of me somewhat liked this book, I will most likely continue with the series.