A review by katgriff
Three Nights in August: Strategy, Heartbreak, and Joy Inside the Mind of a Manager by Buzz Bissinger


i miss baseball and love the cardinals. so i wanted to love this book. however, i couldn’t get over the problematic descriptions buzz bissinger uses throughout, including bi-polar pitcher or a pitcher with “multiple personalities” (and many variations) to describe inconsistent performance, calling someone “profoundly crazy” for attending the university of west virginia, a batter who catalogues every pitch ever thrown to him “like an anal-compulsive librarian.” i liked the structure of this: profiling a team through the lens of a high stakes 3 game series with a rival. and i liked learning about this era of the cardinals. but really couldn’t get past the authorial voice. which is honestly a shame because i’ve been meaning to read friday night lights forever. but i don’t know if i will now.