A review by abbyl819
Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline


I loved Ready Player One, and was so excited to read the sequel and continue with the world and characters. This book was very interesting and entertaining, and the plot totally made sense despite the fact that I couldn't fathom a concrete idea of what a sequel could possibly cover. Seeing the person that Wade became and the relationships between the High Five fade was slightly frustrating, but I liked how they were once again forced to come together to solve another Easter egg hunt, with each shard utilizing one person's strengths. However, this did make it seem like it was designed specifically for them (even tho Halliday hadn't known them or who would be his heir when he designed it) and made each shard a one person show rather than constant teamwork. The pacing did seem slightly off, since it takes about half of the book to setup and find only 2 out of 7 of the shards of the Siren's Soul, and then the rest were packed much closer together. At times the pace was also affected by the intense amount off information and trivia dumped into finding each shard, most of which went completely over my head and wasn't necessary to know nor did I remember, however it did further solidify the incredible knowledge and research done by the characters. So while I recognize its importance, its length and placement just took away from the action and made things drag at times. I really wish that the Low Five were more important and that we had gotten to know those characters better. It seemed like they were going to be a lot more important than they actually were, and I wished they had teamed up with the High Five and actually worked together rather than separately. I would be interested in reading about Lo and her friends solving similar quests in a companion, such as seeing them finding the Dorkslayer sword.