A review by philyra91
Hex and the Single Girl by Valerie Frankel


Hex and the Single Girl is a true chick-lit title. This is actually my first Little Black Dress title and I don't think it's that bad. The plot is a little whimsical; after all, it's about a good witch who uses her powers to help match couples, almost like Emma by Jane Austen really (her name's Emma too!), except now, she falls for a guy meant for a client. What's a girl going to do?

Emma's nice but unfortunately, her personality doesn't really shine through. She sort of just comes across as the good girl who tries to do good by people but is sort of stuck in a sticky situation. I didn't feel like there was much depth to her character. I did feel like she had chemistry with the male lead, Will Dearborn, but it could have been written and explored better.

Things did get a little confusing when quite a few supporting characters came out of the woodwork. While their side stories were entertaining, I didn't think they were ALL needed. A few, with more detailed backgrounds, would have sufficed.

There was, maybe, 2 sex scenes in this one. The first one, I sort of get, but the second one was just.. I don't even know where it came from. It just felt like it had to be there but for no good reason. Overall, one of those books you can switch off your brains for. 2.5 stars.