A review by chaneyys
The Sandman Vol. 7: Brief Lives by Neil Gaiman

This arc was so fascinating. Gaiman's writing is always so well-crafted, but this volume specifically felt exceptional.

Nearing the last few remaining arcs, this volume feels like a turning point in Dream's character; all of the development he's received up until now is coming to fruition. The main theme of this particular story was change: How Destruction left the Endless and moved on, while others have not; how Delirium has grown and how her identity has evolved since being Delight; and most of all, how Dream has changed as a person, an entity, as one of the Endless.

There were also so many great insights to all of the Endless within this arc. There's a lot on Destruction- his relationship with a goddess of Love, his perspective on the Endless' purpose and sense of responsibility (and how he personally felt regarding his place in such), his relationship with Delirium- but also a lot on the rest, one of my favorites being Desire and Despair's relationship.

Overall, a really wild ride of an arc but an incredible one nonetheless.

"There must be a word for it... the thing that lets you know time is happening. Is there a word?"
"I was afraid of that."