A review by jerseygrrrl
Zero Sum Game by S.L. Huang


A swift, action-packed read.

- Math! The protagonist is brilliant at math and is constantly computing trajectories and velocities in order to execute crazy, super-human feats of agility.
- Moral ambiguity. The protagonist is a killer. She offs people frequently and without regret. Initially, this behavior isn't questioned. As the book proceeds, her morality--and that of the organizations around her--are all called into question.
- No easy resolution. The book comes to a satisfactory end, but doesn't tie up all the loose ends. There's a lot here for the sequel.

- The violence. Cas is constantly killing people and thinking nothing of it. Eventually, that behavior does come into question, but there's an awful lot of people-as-video-game-character action where people are killed without compunction or thought that they might have had lives, loved ones, etc.
- The lone girl amidst the guys trope. The protagonist teams up with a group of guys. There's not a single female ally to be found. Really? There's a hint of a female friendship in Book #2, but we'll see.