A review by hlwilkins
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny Beyond by Michio Kaku


Interesting and thought provoking book about the future of life in the universe. Could we live on other planets in our solar system, moons, exoplanets or something outside of our galaxy yet discovered. How could we get there?
It covers a broad range of science relating to space travel and how we could colonize different parts of the universe (a space elevator!!) Some of it went right over my head such as the complexities of rocket and star ship engineering, quantum physics and string theory (I don’t think I’ll ever be cerebral enough to understand that!) but I love the discussion on trans humanism and the ethics of biotechnology. Also some great discussion about extra terrestrial life which backed a lot of what I’ve always thought - if aliens are out there they are way more advanced than us and have no business coming to visit us as mere dumb humans on Earth. We’ll just have to find them.
I’m definitely more interested in the future of living in space as well as the universe itself from this read. Don’t think I’ll ever get into advanced physics though!