A review by smittenforfiction
The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook: How to Write Great Patterns that Knitters Will Love to Make by Sarah Walworth, Kristina McGrath


Title: The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook: How to Write Great Patterns That Knitters Will Love to Make

Author: Kristine McGrath & Sarah Walworth

Publication Date: October 31, 2023

Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC

Genre: Crafts & Hobbies (Knitting)

Pages: 176

The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook is an excellent resource for knitwear designers. It has suggestions to help you write high-quality patterns that knitters will love. In 2020 the authors, McGrath and Walworth, hosted a podcast where they talked about knitting and they realized it would be great to collect all the tips and put them into a book.

› They talk about the Four C's of a good knitting pattern: correct, clear, concise, and consistent. I learned that there are Tech Editors who can go over your patterns to ensure accuracy. They share information on naming, numbering, spacing, and formatting. I love the idea of using a style sheet checklist to ensure consistency.

› The book includes many questions and answers that should cover most of the questions you may have while writing a knitting pattern. They also do a great job explaining the components of a well-written pattern and the importance of editing the technical language. I appreciate the discussion about size inclusivity and advice on making patterns accessible to all knitters. They even provide an in-depth explanation of gauge and how to include accurate numbers in your patterns.

› The handbook explains how to fix common sweater pitfalls regarding necklines, armhole depth, sleeve length, underarm measurements, and cuffs. They even go over how to find a good tech editor!

› With a long list of other essential knitting books and a knitting pattern sample sheet, The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook is a must-buy for all knitwear designers.

 Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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