A review by phuong
Crazy for Loving You by Pippa Grant


#1 The Price of Scandal ★★★★ 1/2
#2 The Mogul and the Muscle ★★★
#3 Wild Open Hearts ★★ 3/4
#4 Crazy For Loving You ★★★ 3/4
He laughs and kisses me. “Some days, I think I’m crazy for loving you.” “But it’s the best kind of crazy.”
[This review contains spoilers, read at your own risk.]

— Daisy Imogen Carter-Kincaid is my favorite vagillionaire next to Emily. One the outside she seems like a party girl, but she's made out of so much heart and soul. Daisy and West are the definiton of bubbly sunshine heroine and grumpy hero. There are two quotes that describe Daisy and West perfectly: "That's just who she is. Bright. Unpredictable. Crazy." &"Westley Jaeger's body and mind might be made of steel, but his heart is cotton candy." Especially the second one for Westley is so on point. He's this big grumpy military guy but he just wants to be loved and take care of the people he loves. He's a big softie. That's why Daisy and Westley are the perfect match: they both have ginormious hearts.

— Emily, Cameron, Daisy and Luna together are what I'm here for. Their Drag Queen Brunches... I'm still applying for a job as a waitress for Sundays, but only Sundays. Daisy and West wedding scene which takes place at the Drag Queen Brunch. AWESOME!

— Great family scenes. Westley's family is the best. His sisters, brother and parents are freaking awesome. The scenes were everyone is together at Daisy's house is one of the best. So much awesomeness in one place! I did not only get great girls scenes with the four vagillionaires, but some really great scenes with Derek, Jude, Beck and West together as well!!! That's the content i have signed up for.

— Adorable little baby. I'm a sucker for babies and kids in books that's why I don't mind the 'accidental pregnancy' trope so much cause I know the kids will bring joy. This book is a slightly changed version of accidental pregnancy with Daisy and West getting accidental parental rights to Remington (who names their kid Remington by the way? Please don't do not make that same mistake.) I love this baby, he's the cutest.

— The different relationship aspect really stand out. Not only Daisy's relationship with the girls, but her relationship with her mother was really sweet too. They don't have that many scenes together but the first one at the funeral was super funny and the ones near the end as well. Every scene where Helene was involved was a win.

Here comes the big problem: You know the saying "guys think with their dicks"? That could not be truer with West. He LITERALLY thinks with his dick and it's really disturbing. It really bothered me that his nuts and balls could talk and cheer and think other really weird thoughts. Here some examples:
"Or coming through with that rich girl who needs a lube job!" my nuts cheer. They’re hopeless.
"Fuck yeah, we’re partying tonight!" my balls cheer.
She’s curvy and bold and bright, and she’s rendered my balls mute.
My balls whimper. "Tonight could’ve gone soooo differently. Are we sure all’s lost?"
Excuse me what? For that reason alone I wanted to give this book a lower rating during the first half of the book, because every time West balls would think again I couldn't take his chapters seriously. I know this book is shelved as rom-com, but it was too much for me. Do you know how many times the word 'nuts' was mentioned? Over 35 times. The word 'balls' was in it 45 times. A few of them were in the context of balls pits but sill. Luckily it got better, because after a while it didn't bothered as much as before. Still super weird and a major reason why I'm giving only 4 stars.

— I'm so glad this series went out with this book. After being disappointed with Cam and Luna's story I didn't know if Emily's story was my exception, but I really enjoyed reading Crazy For Loving You. Overall this series had some exceptional friendships and great side characters and hilarious animals. I'm kinda sad that I have to say goodbye to the Bluewater community now.

P.S. Fun facts: Daisy's office has a wall of frozen yogurt dispensers. Her whole house is shape of a D.