A review by judithdcollins
A Family Affair by Mary Campisi


I was delighted when I found this author--this was my first book by Mary Campisi (A Family Affair- Truth in Lies Series #1), and could not put it down. It captured me from the front cover, the first page--throughout and did not want it to end. I fell in love with the characters, her writing style, and totally my style of book- was blown away! (Love discovering authors which I have not read previously). This book also includes an excerpt from Pulling Home (that Second Chance Series), which I look forward to reading, as well.

I was so excited to learn there will be a series and have already purchased the e-book - A Family Affair Spring (Truth in Lies #2) –have already read the first few chapters and cannot wait to get back to it this evening!

Not sure where to start –Loved the set up – how Christine (city gal) searches for answers to the mystery surrounding her father’s death. How and why her dad could have led two lives and the feeling she never knew her father, or in fact her mother at all? (Do not want to give away the story-so many secrets).

I loved the town of Magdalena and the “other family”. You will hate Christine’s Mother (Gloria) and will laugh out loud at Uncle Harry (what a playboy)—sounds like we will get more from this character in the next book  (there are so many witty phases about what the characters are thinking and do no say aloud – especially Harry). I could just picture him in the kitchen with his thoughts about the housekeeper Greta.

This is a book you will want to reread again and again. I fell in love with the entire Desantro family and Christine was amazing. Makes you wish Charles was still alive and it was all mistake – how he would love to look down and see his girls together. Makes you want to be Miriam’s best friend.

I liked the way Mary turns it around so you really sympathize for the other family. Mary definitely has a talent of drawing in the reader and keeping them there. I so agree with a number of the other reviewers – this is a story of deception and innocence (truth and lies) and makes you feel connected at all times to each of the characters. I have been involved in the triangle at one time, so this book definitely helps those readers relate to duty and honor versus true love --the hold, and the emotions of all players involved.

These characters are real and feel as though they are jumping off the page – makes me want to escape to a log cabin alone, in the mountains, overlook a stream and sit by the fire or in a rocking chair on the front porch to read this series!! Definitely a 5 star!
I have marked all Mary’s books “to read” and so look forward to following this author --Trust me, if you want a good read with a cast of loveable characters – this series is for you! (Chick Lit, Romance, Mystery, Family, Love, Betrayal, and Forgiveness).