A review by melodytime
Born of Ice: The League: Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


In the third book of the League series, Devyn Kell is serving as a doctor in the League military. However, its corrupt and heartless practices compels Devyn to turn against his unit in order to save a young village boy's life. Now he's a runner and shuttles medicines and supplies to areas in need, often against League practices. He's very good at it—it's in his blood. As the son of Shahara and Syn, with Nykerian Quiakides as godfather, he knows all the tricks and tools of the trade. But an old enemy has again reared its ugly head and Alix, a slave he has threatened with the safety of her mother and safety, is sent to gather evidence—real or fabricated—to publicly try Devyn and sentence him to death.

Kenyon has a great imagination, and I have enjoyed all her characters in this and her Dark Hunter series. I'm hoping that we will see more in the League series—there's certainly enough offspring for a number of really good story lines.