A review by rae_shutupandbookup
Phantom Tales of the Night, Vol. 4 by Matsuri


First and foremost! This series goes in order with a main arc present throughout the manga, along with little mini arcs. This is a horror manga with images that may be a little disturbing to some.

"To have nothing inside of you. . .is even scarier than you can imagine." - Butterfly

First, everyone has a secret to tell and if your secret is worthy then you may stay at the Murakumo Inn. Secondly, everyone who has worked for "Owner" wishes to return to his side. Thirdly, trees can be terrifying and a certain vengeful goddess from the Land of Roots is no joke.

Will Butterfly and Spider survive this night's new guest? And will a grandmother convey all she needs to toward her grandson?

"Fate is something. . .that must be faced alone." - Owner

What drew me in the most when I first purchased this series was the artwork. The sheer beauty of it and how well detailed it was! This manga series is more along the lines of a horror manga. So, the artwork portrays such things. Gothic, eerie, dangerous, haunting, and utterly stunning, some of the images may be disturbing to some.

I loved how in this manga we got to see more background of Spider and Butterfly. Their growth and understanding of one another and their selves. Your heart will break a bit for the two of them and just what they have been through. We also get to see Bone Monk again! He's still on the disliked list with Spider and Butterfly.

No one can seem to understand Owner. His previous employees believe they do and yet Owner rips out the rug from under them. Owner is an unknown monster that so many are trying to solve. Why does he run an Inn now and collect secrets from humans of all things? Amongst other entities who cross the threshold of the Murakumo Inn. We get little hints about things, but I feel like this buildup is going to lead to an insane, epic twist!

This manga is full of deep, provoking thoughts and ah ha moments. I love the twist of it all and the brutality of humanity and even "monsters". There was a very good, slightly (just slightly) lighthearted story at the end. This manga has a main arc that's constantly moving forward even if it isn't just directly stated! I also love the little mini stories within the manga and how they are titled "(Number) Enigma".

Again, this is a darker manga! There are some body horror images, slight nudity, violence and gore. There are themes that are grittier and heavier ones. Ones that will break your heart and make you wonder about the psychology of things. The first guest of the manga broke my heart and just had me feeling sad.

The author (and I believe the author is the illustrator for the series) did an amazing job with bringing things to life. I am going to include one panel that I find utterly stunning. Just the artwork I would honestly hang in my reading room.

Enjoy this dark manga with all the eerie beauty and don't forget to give the author some stars! By the way, do you have a secret you wish to tell in exchange for a night at the Murakumo Inn?

For full review with images from manga:
