A review by qqjj
Nine Rabbits by Виргиния Захариева, Angela Rodel, Virginia Zaharieva


The book seems to be semi-autobiographical and is organized into short, (mostly) chronological vignettes. You never really know how much time has past between vignettes or which story threads will return when. I liked this book, especially the first part of the character as a child. The latter part of the book explored more of the existential crises, writer's block, and other mental health issues. I enjoyed this part less. Many interesting and troubling relationships with her family members as well as daily life in Communist (and post-Communist) Bulgaria are explored. Throughout, cooking and recipes relating to the memories and experiences play an integral, but are written in a very casual way, as if reading a smudged recipe card that has been passed down. I loved this touch, because it really allowed you to imagine the setting through traditional Bulgarian food (and I think you could even cook the recipes if you wanted).