A review by wanderlustlover
Black Science, Vol. 1: How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender


Graphic Novel Book Club January 2016

This was one of the books I was given in the GN Christmas BookSwap and everyone was so interested in it at that meeting (as none of us had heard of it, but the back writing sounded so compelling) that we assigned it as part of the next meetings books.

I have to admit I wasn't expecting to get out from this series what it gave me. I love the number of layers in it and that the hero is definitely, insanely, massively an anti-hero who is not looking to turn it around and become a hero by any scope of the imagination. I love that you are aware from issue 1-2 that no one you love and learn about is safe from dying suddenly, which makes each word and scene with them more precious, more important, more focusable on.

I was not by even infinitesimal stretch of the imagination expecting what happened at the end of this volume and I can't wait to see what that means for volume 2.