A review by ambeesbookishpages
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

Anything Can Happen is both warmly written and heart swelling. I found it to be something refreshing in in Young Adult, and will surely be a book I will be pushing at people.

Tretch knew he way gay the moment Matt grabbed his hand at church. But he lives in the south, where being gay isn't something that is easily understood. Ironically Matt has two dads, and constantly reminds other people as well as himself that he isn't gay. During winter break Tretch learns the meaning of friendship and family. He watches Matt's budding relationship with a coffee shop server, comes out to his brother, and understands that the girl at the local bookshop may think of him as more then a friend.

Tretch was easily a likable character. He is young and enthusiastic about the things in life, but he is also hiding a secret that makes him who he is. Tretch tends to ramble when he is describing stuff, which whether or not done on purpose, made him more real to me. He was a kind of guy that went along with the flow of things and didn't do anything particularly cool to stand out in his small town.

The stories of unrequited love always hitt me hard in the gut, I wanted that fairy tale ending for Tretch, the one where Matt is also in love with him, but that wouldn't have been realistic at all. Will left Tretch's story off on a positive note, leaving me content to know that when everything is said and done he will still have his family and friends. I'm typically not a fan of fluffy stories, I usually prefer something that is going to make me thing and feel along with the main character. Though this is fluffy, I felt right along with Tretch, there are a few times that I teared up too.

Overall I really enjoyed Anything Can Happen. It was beautiful, heart warming, and coming of age. I will be looking out for more of Will Walton's writing in the future.