A review by nelljustice
Crimson Sky by Amy Braun


One word to describe this book: “In-freaking-credible”!! I admit I don’t give out many 5 stars, but this one is it. It is a “one-sit” wonder. I started reading after work and didn’t put it down until the very end.

Claire’s world is harsh. When you think of electricians and engineers, I’m sure you don’t think of wicked evil warlords. Electricians and Engineers is the primo occupation during this time. If you control the electricity or can fix any complicated machine, you are fairly safe. Not entirely, though. Everyone has an agenda and everyone wants to be the king of the mountain.

Claire lives within a colony of humans who lives below ground in very poor accommodations. Think of peasants in the medieval times with access to small steampunk like tools and generators powering big airships. The creatures that are the most savage are the Hellions – vampire like demons that suck dry any human they can find above ground. Claire is vulnerable because she wants to protect her 8 year old sister (a sister who has never known a world without monsters) so she has to work for the warlord. The warlord beats her within an inch of her life more often than not, but she can’t run away. Where would she go? The warlord controls food, shelter, electricity – everything. It’s a vicious circle.

The adventure starts when 8 year old Abby is stolen by the Hellions. Claire is “captured” by pirates and has to convince this crew of marauders to help her save her sister. She makes a deal with them and commences the fight of her life. Her side of the deal isn’t impossible, but what she wants in exchange….wowzer…that in all reality has very slim chances of success.

badge5v4When you start this book, be sure you have time to finish. It is fast paced and sometimes I couldn’t read fast enough to find out what happened next. Once Abby is taken, the adventure is ON. I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t get anything to eat. It was THAT good. OH, and there is no cliffhanger, but there is indication there will be more books.