A review by vee615
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry


So I was really torn about how to review this book. The story is original but, I just didn't care about any of the characters. The story is about a young man who lives in Puerto Rico with his father who is a land developer. There is a mysterious house on the island, the people of the island have made up a bunch of stories about it including that by writing a wish and then throwing it over the wall will make it come true. People dream about a girl with green skin and grass for hair. Turns out a girl does live in that house but she is poisonous. It is not determined how but it might have to do with a curse or island gods..... take your pick. Our hero want to save her, but in the meantime there are missing island girls, a suspicious cop, hurricanes and mosquitoes.

To many things were left to the reader to determine. And there just wasn't enough time to develop characters and relationships enough, because there were a million things going on. Overall, this book wasn't memorable despite it being a unique story.