A review by hedonicbooks
Christmas Will Forever Be Your Season: Every Lover Leaves An Everlasting Mark: A Memoir by Mo Melo

I rarely read non-fiction books, but once in while I like to dip my toes in that particular pool.
When I first stumbled upon this book a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure it was something I'd enjoy. But the cover was just so pretty, and the description quite intriguing, so I bought the e-book. It's a quick read, but deeply personal and emotional, I salute the author for his courage to show so much vulnerability.

Written in the form of letters, following the five stages of grief, this is a raw, honest and heartbreaking depiction of a relationship that has run its course. A relationship seen through the eyes of one of the persons involved, the person who wasn't ready for it to be over.

To be honest, this book was so damn relatable, and cathartic. So many feelings that the author went through during the relationship and the post breakup period, I often went through in my previous relationships. The exploration of codependency was something that particularly interested me because I struggle with it constantly.

It's a sad read, but also optimistic. It's a healing journey. It's hopeful. Liberating. Beautiful and empowering. A book that ultimately shows you that you need to put yourself first, you need to learn to love yourself before you can love somebody else.