A review by ameserole
She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott


I have no idea how long I've wanted to read this book but it felt longer than forever.

One of the reason's I wanted to read this book was because of the cover and another reason was because of the title. Both things automatically drew me in. HOWEVER, it's what was inside of this beautiful and amazing book that made me devour it.

She's So Dead to Us will definitely throw you for a loop. It was so freaking good! I didn't want to put it down! The characters were awesome. You definitely end up rooting for Jake and Ally the ENTIRE TIME. But of course things are always going to push the two people you ship the most away. ALL THE TIME.

Anyways, this book is from two pov's: Ally and Jake. They were both really good MC's. Ally was independent, likable, and didn't whine all the time like most MC's do. Then there's Jake who was arrogant but damn did he make your heart swoon. I mean Ally's heart. Seriously, I loved the romance between them!

Besides the two main characters, the supporting characters were good too! It's hard to pick a favorite but some of them reminded me of other characters from different books or even people I know in real life. I don't really have anything to complain about this book. I really need the second book though.