A review by michalice
Finding My Way by Heidi McLaughlin


My Thoughts
When I filled in the form to be part of the blog tour for Finding My Way I never thought I would be selected to take part in it, never mind to be one of the few to have a review stop. I got the email while waiting for a movie to start in the cinema, and I may have done a little happy dance.

After reading the previous books in this series I already know what happens and have a bit of background information on some of the characters. I already know that Liam's Dad is a piece of work, but getting to see the younger Liam's life and really see what his Dad is like, just makes me detest him more. He is such a nasty, vile, judgemental person, I really wonder how other people have not seen this side of him before and also question why Liam's Mum put up with it, alcoholic stupor or not.

I like how open Liam is about his feelings for Josie, it's real and new, and it makes your heart melt that little bit more. It was sad to see Liam so disheartened with college football, but without that he wouldn't become Liam page, so it was a great opportunity to see where it all stemmed from and the build up to the decision that changed Liam's life. I never knew how tough it was for Liam to do what he does, and how much he gives up to follow his dream. Part of me thinks he could have given Josie the benefit of the doubt and explained it to her instead of running off, but seeing him suffer broke my heart.

Watching Liam change from Liam Westbury, to Liam Page was an emotional, eye opening journey, and I am so glad I got to take this with him. I love the inspiration behind his stage name and thought it was a very fitting way to remember his roots. Spending time with his Grandmother was a change of pace for Liam, not only in having a stable, loving home to go to, but it also enabled him to really explore his dreams and desires, and I love how supportive his Grandmother is of him, but how firm she is of making sure he sticks to the straight and narrow path. When Liam loses her I cried, I sobbed my heart out over his loss, of losing possibly the only person who really believed in him.

Finding My Way was an unputdownable read, and I reluctantly had to put this down to go to work, but picked it straight back up the second I got home. I devoured every single page of Finding My Way, and reading this just made me want to re-read the entire series again. Finding My Way may be the prequel to this series, but it also showed me things that I had no idea about, and opened my eyes that little bit more to the journey that Liam takes.

Heidi has once again sucked me into the world of Liam, which to be honest didn't take much as love this series so much, and if you have yet to make a start on The Beaumont Series, then you NEED to pick this book up straight away, and start from the beginning. before Liam Westbury became Liam Page, and take this journey with him.