A review by mountie9
A Midnight Dance by Lila DiPasqua


The Good Stuff

* Extremely steamy
* Devilish rakes -- love me them bad boys
* Exciting fast paced storyline
* The perfect book for a hot summer night or for lounging on the beach - not to mention could warm up a cold Canadian winters night too
* Will definitely be checking out more books by Lila
* Historical romance - which I am a sucker for -- as long as there isn't too much mushy love story -- think I am too practical for the mush
* Was impressed with the character development of Jules
* Did I mention charming sexy rakes and lots of steamy scenes - made me blush
* Some fun scenes that will make you smile
* Pure escapist fun with hot sexy bad boys - whats not to like

The Not so Good Stuff

* Yeah the Cinderella connection is extremely slim and really couldn't see the point of putting it in - just didn't ring true for me
* Some of the terms used in the naughty bits seemed too base for a historical romance - but hey I'm used to Bertrice Smalls descriptions so just a personal preference thing
* Um -- unbelievable deflowering of the virgin -- just saying the first time is usually a little more painful -- than again based on personal experience -- damn wish my 1st was like that!

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Don't let it swell your arrogant head. I was young. And I erred in the name. I shouldn't have called you "Dark Prince" "The Prince of Darkness" suits you better."

"The witch beamed. "You're definitely my least-despised Aristo!"

Pages 251 - 255 - Can't type them out would have to put an NC 17 rating on this blog if I did - but all I can say is -umm - yes please especially if its with Daniel Craig

Who should/shouldn't read

* Not for the prudish
* Fans of Bertrice Small will enjoy
* Perfect for historical romance lovers

4 Dewey's

I received this from Penguin in exchange for an honest review -- hubby says Thanks LOL!