A review by learaloveslit
Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young


EDIT: Settling on a 3.

Somewhere between a 3.5 and a 4. I hoped for more magic while reading this, but the romance was exactly the kind I prefer if romance is a major part of the plot. I’m not much of a romance reader but this book gave me that little fix I like to have every now and then.

There were reveals I didn’t see coming, which I enjoyed, and there were parts that surprised me. The ending felt a little anti-climactic but that doesn’t always bother me. The ending was tied up in a neat little bow with a slightly sinister undertone. If this book had more focus on the magic of the island in detail, I would’ve absolutely loved this!

Still a good read! I recommend it to anyone who likes light magic with romance and drama.