A review by lilybear
The Prince's Poisoned Vow by Hailey Turner


Imagine Game of Thrones meets Witcher and then add steam punk flare and you have this book.
With the queen killed and the kingdom overthrown, the royal children are each taken under the cover of darkness and into the protection of a different star god each. Renamed, remade, and hidden. Each child walks a different path as love, politics, and ravenous zombie hordes threaten their new lives.
I won't lie. I felt absolutely floored with names of all the lords, princelings, star gods and princesses. Really, even 60% in I would sometimes start a chapter and be like, "Who the f*** is Joelle?" But as much as I struggled to keep up with the absolutely huge cast of characters, I fell head-over-heels in love with our displaced royalty. My favorite being the leather clad Soren, who is somewhat like a steam punk Witcher who specializes in zombies and rides a motorcycle. And while the constant action, magic, and political intrigue kept me at the edge of my seat I must admit I sometimes became inpatient when Soren's story was put on pause to tell Caris' story. Grrr!! What kills me most is that book 2's expected release date isn't until 2023!! Gahhh! This story is amazing but I need more now!