A review by dnietoperafan
The Story of Art without Men by Katy Hessel


Can we all give a round of aplause to Hessel?

I got this book as a Christmas present, and I complete devoured it. It was amazing to see the amount of creativity, fighting power, and love women and non-men have showcased in art throughout history. This book opened my eyes to loads of talent and some of my new favourite artists. As a Colombian woman, I am so grateful I could learn just a tad more of Latinoamerican women and their art.

This book encompasses painting, sculpture, photography, textiles, and many more forms of art. Hessel writes such accessible prose, it's almost like a friend explaining the herstory of art to you. I loved reading this book and staring, for minutes at a time, at every single image.

Thank you Hessel. You have really nailed it in the head.