A review by bobsvoid
Boarded by Love by Toni Aleo


The only reason this isn’t a 1 star review from is simply because of all the cameos the Assassin players make in it. Not a shocker, but my main complaint for Aleo’s books are that she literally wastes too much time. We don’t need an extra 100 pages. I enjoy a lengthy book, but not when it’s wasteful. In a story you don’t need every single darn day written about to get your point across.

All the cliche tropes are in this very story. Hockey god college dude that’s so young and already made captain. Simply waiting to be drafted to the NHL. Also he’s a complete ladies man and women are at his beck and call. *yawn*. The cliche doesn’t bother me at all. All of them are fine except for the whole “man whore” reformed. Nothing makes me roll my eyes more. Ironically the other stores by Aleo have some of that. For some reason this irked me more. I think it’s because after 2 week they were supposedly in love. The only reason I didn’t stop reading when I found that out was because I was nearly half way through. Jude isn’t an amazing lead. He’s just a boring younger version of Aleo’s original version. Also once you read about the male leads of the Assassin’s series you can’t enjoy a 20 year old dude over that.

We meet Claire in book 6 of the Assassin’s series. She’s honestly a brat, but she does have a good reason for being this way. In this book she’s drastically different and that makes me happy. Love and a family changed her for the better. I generally like Aleo’s leading women, but Claire just didn’t stand out. Also she lied to two very important people. You’d really think she learn after the first time she gets caught, but apparently not.

Honestly, the only redeeming quality of this is the Assassin’s series characters coming back in this story. Nothing makes me happier to see my hockey wives. Also Philips last POV is the best. That’s probably what really made me push this to 2 stars. I don’t think I’d recommend this series to anyone. I didn’t like this story much, but am I going to read the other books in this series? The answer is yes. I’m holding out for some better plots.