A review by holies
Autumn Journal by Louis MacNeice


I don't normally read poetry but today a friend told me Colin Morgan's reading of this poem was available on the iPlayer so I gave this a go. And I liked it so much I went and bought the ebook off Amazon to be able to read along as Morgan read to be able to appreciate the poetry better. I liked the intimate tone of the verses (it's a diary, duh), the crucial historical moment it was set in (and was a bit unnerved by how relevant most of the political/social commentary still is), the everyday description and little snapshots of London life. Poetry still is definitely not my cup of tea but MacNeice's free verse (that's what I'd call it in Italian) flows so easily this was not a hardahip to read. In short, I'm glad I read this, something I'd have never sought on my own. So, thank you Colin Morgan for luring me in with your sexy Irish accent, I guess?