A review by ericas_bookish_tales
Saving Their Queen by Beth Rosalee


Wow, just wow!

Celia takes one heck of a ride through this book. She literally had nothing and was running for her life. The things that she went through in her past and even some throughout the book are horrendous. Celia is a FMC that I feel quite a few women can relate to in some way. As hard as that is, even as hard as it was to read, Celia never gave up. It took her some time, but little by little she let her guys in. She grew so much from the first page to the last! It was truly a delight to see her rise up and be just a complete kicka$$ FMC. I feel like so much happened in this book, and that ending!! Oh my goodness I am literally holding onto that cliff for dear life! I need book 2 ASAP!

Beth is an absolutely wonderful writer. The world that she built is so detailed, but not over done either. The story flowed seamlessly throughout the book. The emotions that Beth invokes throughout the book just hit you in the heart. My heart broke for Celia and does for any woman who has to endure someone not loving them. I had a horribly emotional abusive relationship and could really relate with Celia.

If you are experiencing the things Celia went through, please know that you are strong enough to leave. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE WORTHY OF TRUE LOVE AND YOU ARE ENOUGH! You are good enough, you are strong enough, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Never settle for anything less than the best! You deserve your happy ending! Now, today, make the choice to run and know that there is help for you.

Beth thank you for having the courage to write Celia's character! Sometimes we want to hide that part of our lives because we are ashamed, but your words help heal that. Your words are going to inspire women currently going through abuse to seek help and to get out. Thank you for being brave enough to do that for anyone who reads Celia's story and encouraging them to get out. You are a survivor and I hope you always know that YOU are ENOUGH!!!!