A review by alwaysbooking
City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett

see my full review at alwaysbooking.wordpress.com

I definitely enjoyed this copy better than City of Stairs. I’m not sure if it was because I was used to his writing style or if I ignored all of the little bits of information dumps at the beginning of each chapter. Either way this one was way more captivating than the last one.

This story follows General Turyin Mulaghesh (yup that’s a mouthful) after Shara sends her on a journey to find a missing agent. Of course this agent went missing in one of the most violent areas in the continents. There is more to her going missing than just this though. There may or may not be divinities at work here when there are not to be any more divinities. Turyin has to be secretive with all she does since she is supposed to be at this location just filling in time until her retirement. I really enjoyed Turyin’s character she is strong willed woman. She says what she means and she’s not afraid to take on anything. She doesn’t know who is an enemy and who is a friend. Then Sigurd arrives. Was this another pawn of Shara’s to enter the game or is he just there by luck. I loved seeing more of him and Turyin I definitely enjoyed their characters more. Here’s a little tidbit from the book itself that really struck a cord with me…

These books can be read as standalone books you do not need to read them together to understand what is going on. Thank you to blogging for books and broadway books for sending me this copy for my honest review.