A review by friendlyghosty
Defiance by Lili St. Crow


If anything, I think this was more of a segueay book to bridge the story from the bomb-dropping third novel to the fifth novel. This was a quick, fast paced read--FINALLY Dru stands up for herself, and lives up to the tough girl personna she so strongly claims to be. My only problem with this series, now that I've read four of them, is that the author keeps recycling the SAME similes and the SAME metaphors: "rotten waxen oranges/citrus" was however traded (thank goodness) sometimes with "danger candy"....different but by the end of the book, it was over used....again. Overall, despite the repetitive content of the writing, the story itself is so compelling. Can't put it down, no matter how much it grates on my nerves. Oh! And no to spoil anything, so I won't tell who the traitor is, but thought I should brag on myself and tell y'all that I totally figured it out WAAY before he or she was revealed!!!! That part was well concealed AND subtly hinted it. Wonderful. The ending was satisfying, even if it was an insanely steep cliffhanger. I HAVE to get the next book.

Read the series! It's good!