A review by amibunk
Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture--And What We Can Do about It by Kate Harding


“Rape culture manifests in a myriad ways…but its most devilish trick is to make the average, noncriminal person identify with the person accused, instead of the person reporting the crime. Rape culture encourages us to scrutinize victims’ stories for any evidence that they brought the violence onto themselves – and always to imagine ourselves in the terrifying role of Good Man, Falsely Accused, before we ‘rush to judgment’. "

For me, this was an eye-opening and impactful book about rape culture in the United States. Well written, with solidly constructed arguments and timely cultural references, I learned so much about rape myths that permeate our society, our politics, and our lives. Additionally, while the stories are horrific and depressing, the author offers rays of hope and evidence that America's rape culture is beginning to shift.
This is a book I want my daughter AND son to read. Because as the author argues, rape isn't only a woman's issue, it's a people issue.