A review by directorpurry
Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories by Roald Dahl


Overall rating: 3.25 stars
I'm not sure whether I was drawn to this book more because of "Roald Dahl" in conjunction with ghosts or this cover. A relatively short little collection of some of Dahl's favorite ghost stories. I wouldn't say these were my favorites, but there were some gems in here.
I'd like to try and read all my ghost anthologies so I can narrow down the ones I keep on my shelf, so this was the first one!

"W. S." by L P Hartley - 3 stars

"Harry" by Rosemary Timperley - 3.5 stars

"The Corner Shop" by Cynthia Asquith - 3 stars

"In the Tube" by E F Benson - 2 stars

"Christmas Meeting" - 4 stars:
This is the first story I've actually felt enough about to comment on! Dahl mentions in his introduction that these stories were originally compiled for an anthology show (think The Twilight Zone but all ghost story adaptations) and this one would be an excellent short film. Three pages, but with perfect pacing. The adaptation would work really well for this one.

"Elias and the Draug" by Jonas Lie - 3 stars
3 stars not because it was a good ghost story but because it made me laugh lol. They were just so casual about
Spoilerall their kids dying on that boat. Like, "Oops, lost another one into the sea!" "Ope, there goes Mom!" "Oh no a giant sea monster avatar omen of death!! [insert Shocked Pikachu here] What will I do??

And he never went on the ocean again...

"Playmates" by A M Burrage - 3 stars
Would have been 4 but the ending ruined it.