A review by bookworm_nita
The Five Stages of Courting Dalisay Ramos by Melissa de la Cruz


The Five Stages is Melissa’s adult romantic comedy that shows a lot about Filipino culture and deals with family expectations. 
As Evan meets Dalisay and immediately jumps to ask her out, he discovers that she is not easily won over. We then get to unveil and experience the five stages of Filipino courtship with Evan, where sparks will fly, frustration will be in the air as well and they’ll have to find a way to see and get what they truly want amidst what tradition may say is right or wrong. 
As soon as I started this book I was hooked. The characters are sweet, fun and they make you want to spend time with them to see what they’re up to. It also helps that there’s a dachshund in the book, my favorite ever. 
It was very fun to read about every characters reactions as the five stages actually happened. Following tradition, it was interesting that there weren’t much interactions between the main characters on certain settings but I feel like that led to there being some very cool secondary characters. I was veeery interested to learn so much about the Filipino culture from this modern point of view, as well as discover how many similar things we also have in Colombia, ranging from food to celebrating holidays. 

I feel like at certain point I was feeling like some scenes were cut short, where I would have loved to see our characters interact much more, or it is implied that they did interact more but we don’t actually “see” those moments, out of which there are a couple at least that would have been very sweet to read.
Thank you @unionsqandco for sending me this ebook copy of the book, it really was great! I’m excited to see it hit the shelves on July 9th!